“Doing all the little tricky things it takes to grow up, step by step, in an anxious and unsettling world.”
In 2005 an idea took birth through an internal message, “Protect you my priceless kin,” which led to “Pumpkin House.” This idea was wrapped with true passion and determination. The idea got nurtured with what we truly felt in our hearts. “Faith” “Hope” “Love” and “Understanding” are the four important pillars of our work at Pumpkin House. Each pillar carries with it real meaning, and has made a world of difference for us and for those connected with us.
With nothing in our pockets, smiles on our faces, and bathed in love we overcame inertia to just start! We began our journey in a humble little home in Vidhyanagar. At first housing just a few children, Pumpkin House saw itself quickly reaching many desperate and destitute children. They wanted a safe place to live, to grow and to received proper education. We were happy not just to be on the right track but to have simply begun.
Each of our first enrolled children had an amazing story. Their tales having an immediate impact on our hearts and minds encouraging us to work harder and most of all, to never to give up.
The story of our inception goes back to a time when we wanted to place a child in a school, prior to Pumpkin House existing. After a full day of searching, our efforts ended up being in vain. And then a tiny whisper was heard.
“Can’t I stay with you Madam?”
That whisper said it all. Slowly but surely we started growing. Listening to such lovely whispers and welcoming each one with love in our home. Our family grew and we were excited about it.
As years passed by, Pumpkin House was growing with more and more children wanting to be a part of it and we were always ready to serve. We moved to more adequate premises in 2007, and it came to us as a complete blessing. It is rightly said that, “Once you begin on the right track, God pushes you to the end.” The new house came as a miracle to boost our dedication even more. Volunteers started walking in, and the help flowed effortlessly. We all worked harder to search for those innocent smiles lost due to the vicious miseries of life. Pumpkin House was born!